Bear Bones 200
This is the first of a short series of reports that look back at some bike packing events that have taken place in this country and abroad, where our gear was...
Bear Bones 200
This is the first of a short series of reports that look back at some bike packing events that have taken place in this country and abroad, where our gear was...
Update: November
It's been a busy few months at Wildcat HQ. A steady flow of frame bag orders have been keeping us quite busy lately, which is good in many ways but...
Update: November
It's been a busy few months at Wildcat HQ. A steady flow of frame bag orders have been keeping us quite busy lately, which is good in many ways but...
Update: July
We've been a bit behind on the website lately, so here's a few things to bring you up to date.Boring stuff first: we're having some building work done at Wildcat...
Update: July
We've been a bit behind on the website lately, so here's a few things to bring you up to date.Boring stuff first: we're having some building work done at Wildcat...
Welsh Ride Thing
This is where it all began.My husband, Ian, did the Welsh Ride Thing last year and asked me if I could make a frame bag for his bike. We tried...
Welsh Ride Thing
This is where it all began.My husband, Ian, did the Welsh Ride Thing last year and asked me if I could make a frame bag for his bike. We tried...
In between our recent frame bag orders, we've been working on prototypes for a handlebar harness and a top tube pack.The handlebar harness has been out for testing in the...
In between our recent frame bag orders, we've been working on prototypes for a handlebar harness and a top tube pack.The handlebar harness has been out for testing in the...